Part of today’s cyber landscape involves constant interaction with people - in doing this, we leave our online history behind, our unique digital footprint. Verint’s Mass Interception Solution captures and analyzes network and web-data to reveal the footprints of illicit activities such as crimes, terror and cyber threats among all of Big Data in motion.
So, how can you pinpoint the bad guys, how do you identify them out of millions of cyber entities generating terabits of data per second in every application and protocol?
During the past 13 years, Yuval has served in different architecture roles in the Cyber Intelligence and Cyber Security domains. Yuval specializes in mega architecture solutions of Verint’s different products, in addition to Intelligence gathering and Cyber National Defense systems, where he served as Director and Chief Architect of the Network Intelligence solution division. In parallel to his various roles, Yuval is also a lecturer and trainer of different courses in college and training companies of Java, J2E, Design Patterns and holds a Java Train the Trainer certification.
For the past 5 months, Yuval has served as an R&D manager of the Infrastructure group in the NI division who are responsible of developing Infra and DevOps tools for different Verint intelligence and Cyber solutions.Yuval has over twenty-two years of experience in R&D in high tech companies, including Amdocs, startups, Mercury and Verint, specializing in complicated large back-end systems of data collection analysis and cyber solutions.